Friday, April 29, 2011

male Birth Control KEVIN JOHNSON

Kevin Johnson

                                                                     Griff 5th

                             Male birth Control

              In 1960, an invention changed female sexuality and paved the way for a women's movement. It was the birth-control pill, or simply "the pill" as it became popularly known. An estimated 18 million women in the United States use the birth-control pill today, making it the most popular form of reversible birth control in the country. For four decades, the pill has put women primarily in the driver's seat. But an increasing number of people both men and women want men to take a more active role in contraception use

For the past four decades, women have a wide array of birth-control options available to them, including the pill, ring, patch and injection, that are all more than 99% percent effective, yet as far as science has moved with female birth control, there are still only a couple of birth-control options available to men in which are primarily the condom and vasectomy in which is the removing of males testicles. A vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure that sterilizes the man.

                 Basically, he can't get anyone pregnant since there's no sperm in his semen. Only about 15 out of 10,000 couples get pregnant the first year after the vasectomy, and the chances of becoming pregnant decreases each year after the procedure. Vasectomies can be reversed, but the procedure is painful, expensive and most men still have difficulty getting their mates pregnant. The vasectomy does not protect against STDs.

  For years, scientists have been trying to create a male  birth control that uses hormones to decrease a man's sperm count. The idea is similar to the female birth control pill. A male birth control pill will control the hormones testosterone and progesterone, thereby lowering the sperm count in a man's semen. It appears men will have a variety of opions, including a pill, a skin patches, an injection given every 3 months or an implant that must be replaced every year. Researchers are still testing the effectiveness and potential side effects of male hormonal options and have not released them onto the market for the general population. The male birth control pill won't protect against STDs.

           Contraception means preventing pregnancy, also called birth control. Most people know about options such as birth control pills and condoms. However, there are also other options. If you're thinking about birth control, talk with your family doctor. Your choice will depend on your health, your desire for protection against disease and your personal beliefs and preferences. As always, when looking at birth control, keep in mind that any method only works if you use it consistently and correctly.


  1. that was good KJ. i give it a high B+

  2. Choice of Topic: I like the topic
    Well-Written (Original) Essay: Definately copied & pasted.
    Appropriate / Relevant Pictures: No pictures
    Formatting (Text & Pictures): Ehh
    Working Links: none
    Visually Appealing: Yes
    Good Labels (i.e. “baby, babies, SIDS, causes, facts, medical”): None
    Recommendations for making the essay better (spelling, grammar, pictures, facts, etc.):
    How did the essay change your views about the topic? I think that men should have birth control instead of being all on the female
    Overall Grade (A-F):

  3. Choice of Topic: could be better
    Well-Written (Original) Essay: good
    Appropriate / Relevant Pictures: none
    Formatting (Text & Pictures):good essay format
    Working Links:need some
    Visually Appealing: no boring
    Good Labels (i.e. “baby, babies, SIDS, causes, facts, medical”): need more
    Recommendations for making the essay better (spelling, grammar, pictures, facts, etc.): rewrite it
    How did the essay change your views about the topic? That men should start drinking some of that stuff cuz we need to take some of the responsibility off
    Overall Grade (A-F):B
