Friday, April 20, 2012

Child Autism

                                                  By: Wenceslao Rojas
Children that have the child autism syndrome have different behaviors, language, and social skills from other children. Even some children that have autism have different symptoms from someone else who has autism. They are still marked with autism but show different symptoms from behaviors and interacting with other people such as social skills.

Some social skill symptoms are, failure to his or her name, poor eye contact, appears not to hear you at times, resist cuddling and holding, appears unaware of others feeling, and seems to prefer playing alone, has his or her own world. The language symptoms are that they start talking later than 2 years of age. Has other developmental delay by 30 months, loses previously acquired ability to say words or sentences, does not make eye contact when making requests, and speaks with abnormal tone or rhyme. Can’t start a conversation, may repeat words or phrases.

Behavior symptoms are that they perform repetitive movements, such as rocking, spinning or hand-flapping, develops specific routines or rituals, becomes disturbed at the slightest change in routines or rituals, moves constantly, may be fascinated by parts of an object, such as the spinning wheels of a toy car and may be unusually sensitive to light, sound and touch and yet oblivious to pain

A doctor should evaluate your baby at development screening and well baby, well child visits. At a development screening, the doctor asks questions that are normal baby related that measures the child on the Childs development. One sample question would be “Does the child cuddle like other children? Or, does the child direct your attention by holding up objects for you to see?” if the baby has that, then it is an early symptom of child autism. Several symptoms begin at 18 months of age and also poor eye sight. "Joint attention." Joint attention occurs when a child points or otherwise tries to get someone to look at the same thing he is observing. Children with autism often don't point or show joint attention.

The average age of the diagnostics is about 3 years of age. Parents and doctor are told about the autism if child does not develop speech around 2 years of age. All children with autism experience “regression”, which is that he/she stop using language, play and social skills they had learned. Regression happens between the first and second birthday. Researchers are still learning about more information on regression.

According to children with autism, in 2004 education improvement act which states that child's primary health care provider is required to refer the family to an early intervention service. In addition, children age three and older are entitled by law to a free and appropriate public education. In some states, the law extends these services to all diagnosed children from birth to age three. It’s the special eructation program and treated services with kids with autism.

There a number of things parents can do to help children with autism overcome their obstacles and get the most of life. From learning all you can about autism spectrum problems and to getting your child into treatment right away, you can make a big difference. It’s also important to make sure you get the support you need. When you are looking after a child with autism; being emotionally strong allows you to be the best parent you can be to your child in need.

1 comment:

  1. the topic was well picked for this illness of the mind is actuality quite common. the pictures and text made point in the essay. the links are nice and working. this made me more aware of this problem with children. i would give this project an A.
